Super Professor's Podcast

Bless Child Upcoming New BOOK, Memories Under the Bridge.

September 05, 2018 CLEMONS KUNKEL
Super Professor's Podcast
Bless Child Upcoming New BOOK, Memories Under the Bridge.
Show Notes Transcript
Principal and Poverty causes Change and it's up to you if you are moving up the Ladder or down the Ladder. Your Soul Image is a creation of who you will become in Life. Beauty within your character is what makes you succeed

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the super professor podcast. You're listening to Clemons, Kunkel, Aka super professional and today we're here to talk to blessed child. How are you doing? Great. Now Jeff, you've been wanting to do a book for awhile as I understand it, quite naturally. A Kennedy came with the territory where I was thinking, you know, I Kinda got lost in life and I found myself on the bridge. And now you're saying under the bridge, what do you mean? Under the bridge will actually is something, you know, a place where people go in. We don't have any goal, a place to stay. So we have a bridge that goes through and we have a lot of people that's come check us out and see how we do want to take care of ourselves. Yeah, we are, you know, really, you know, filling out, you know, through life. And actually, you know, I found quite a few people that was in my situation and he kinda leaned on me too. It's like, hey, why don't we make some stories? You know, I thought about it. I say, well, I always wanted to write a book and this will be the perfect book to write in my life, and it kinda approached me and my mind and I said, well, let's do this book call memories under the bridge. That's a very nice title. Well, I think it should've been, you know, on pretty because it's people that have stories of their life and so when I come upon it in my mind I said, well, let's see with this person, know about the things that occurred to them and they can help others what they liked. So I took upon myself and I, Hey, let's create stories. And I asked certain people, what would you think? Well what's your life being in a book? And they said, someone was like, well, maybe in majority of people say yes, I would love that. But I know. How many people are under the bridge with you over there right now we have three. Including the young lady over there too, so that makes it five with me. Okay. Now how long have you been under the bridge? Well, just two bridges. The first bridge was a ridge, well a smaller one, but this one is more of a pathway, a wider, you know, space for everyone. So we have our cots and therefore we have, you know, utensils that were used like, like maybe like you go to camp and we do the same thing. I cooked down and I have a pen, I have bricks. I made like a homemade stove really. And it's something that everybody looked at it and they said you really got to do this and I've done it and I have pictures of this stuff so I know they're going to be in your book now. Like what got you to this situation? I mean, how did you end up where you are on the debris hit? Are you going to say that for the book? Yes. Say that information for the book. That's right. That's right. Now, where did you get the nickname blessed child? Well it all started when things happened in my life. It was kinda like on a scale. It was up and down like a and I noticed things was getting very hectic in my life and with the family and things like that. And I got married and you know, it worked for seven years and we had two beautiful kids out of it. Then I said, well let me go and try something else with my life. Go to another state. So when I ended up to the state, which was, I was sitting and I little bit, I started working and things like that and things didn't go quite so well. And I said, well let me go to another red. I didn't have a place to stay but I did not want to leave. And it just, I just go ahead and I stuck it out. And so now about myself, like under the bridge life, that's, that's gotta be rough. I mean I don't know anybody could actually been there where you've been well know that it's Kinda, you know, Kinda, you know, the, the, the steep for a person to be under the bridge. But with me, I looked at it like this, you know, everyone was created in life and didn't have nothing when we first started in life will have no houses, no nothing. We stayed in huts and waited them out of trees. So I said, I can do the same thing. What's the difference? So I said to myself, let me go and do this. I had a job and actually actually I'm just working out. I'm all, I do landscaping and I go home and I do certain things just like everyone else. I take my shower, I go to the REC center and I have a laundry mat up the street from my bridge and you know, we go there and do our thing and it's, it's not really bad when you look at it, you know, when you see the people, they are very, very nice people. And once when I was coming up as a child, I've seen people on the bridges and things like that. And I was like, no, this is not right. What's going on here? So now I found myself under the bridge the same situation. Wow. Now you're doing a book that when we're doing a podcast and you're doing a book, what's, what's your goal? I mean you just want to get a book out or you have more way more different from that book is basically about helping others, you know, and with the situation they can, you know, help others as well. So I say let's create something that helper to help people. Okay. You know, I became a helper. You know, you have to lay your stuff down for other people to make it because other people have helped me in life. So therefore I'm going to help the younger generation. They see this stuff. Maybe they might fall into these situations and they would do the same thing anymore and pull themselves out of a bad situation. And so you're, you're gonna lift people up so you can be like a life coach. You can actually start a life coach. No, no. I heard it and a couple of people told in my life that why not do that at being a counselor? What really help people, you know, away from drugs, drinking and things like that. Not saying that I don't drink or nothing, but I'd say I'd say my drink to calm down like a beer or something and nothing wrong with that. No, a lot of people drink nothing around it. I see people that have jobs are big time jobs and lawyers, doctors and they can't handle the situation and they got all the money in the world and I find myself happy still. I find myself, you're a very happy person. You're very, you get a lot of energy, your smile a lot. You, me being around him, you didn't like people. I mean, you're talking to the person you're friendly. Yes. Sometimes I thought, you know, uh, maybe, you know, people look at me and say, oh, this person just out here on the street. And I said, let me give them some good stuff for me, for my heart. And it came out just naturally like this. Ever since I've been young, I always thought about doing something being big, you know, in light towards myself first. But I thought about, well, I'm older now. I can help people because I went through things. Oh yeah, you've got. I went through some things in life, you know, and it's not easy to say, but I find myself now is getting more easy to say because I dealt with it better now than when you know better, you do better. That's true. So, and I just started helping out and people like the energy, like yourself, I have energy and I love that it came from some type of beaten from the high power is very good and it just, it just came to me and I used to go with the flow. Those, the full one. Why you at the time I learned that from actually your book of that all your trade, you a dream, your dream. That's what I did. That's right. And encouraging me more and actually it came to me like, hey, you got a vision as well. So I stuck it out and I went with the vision and you told me back when I was, you know, actually met you and I was talking with you and you say, Hey, read this book you got. Other than to say that you can't do this, can't do that. Because they might've had his ring but they didn't do, but me, I took it upon myself and I said, you go here and do it. Go, what are you going to lose? Nothing to lose, nothing to lose it. It might help people from even hurting himself. Harmony itself out here, this NSA, this person right here did it. And, and I'm here with a good job and I'm going to hurt myself and Lee walk away from my kids and I see these people doing these things in life. But I saved me myself. I want my kids, you know what I mean? And they beautiful eyes, beautiful kids and my daughter is waiting on me to do something big and she know I'm going to do it and now you're doing it. I'm doing it. I'm going to wait. So that's nice and I want to help them out and they can actually, you know what I mean? So others, they friends and things. My Dad was situation. I don't think you have to go that route just because you know it's not working and you hurt yourself or harm yourself. My daddy didn't do it, so why not? You do the same thing and more. Well, that's very nice. Yeah. So you're. You're looking to motivate children, adults, anybody that's down, anybody that need the help, I'm here and they can quite actually probably help me with things that they went through and gave me more of a, you know, a handle with things in his book and I can put them in a book as well and they say, Hey, you talk about your service and put you a picture of them. Then you know, I don't mind it because we all got something to share that's right and just makes a better world and that song will arise so much and you will see it won't fall down who we've brightened up more and more and you will have more and more dedication to others to do, to help them out. Wow, that's inspirational. Why not? You know, we all are part of the stars the stars and let the stars show and that'll shine for everyone. You will star. I'm going to start that together. We all going to be a star and I know we got an illness. We have warm feelings for everybody. You know, if we dig down deep and it's there, it's just like you did down for gold, you take their children. When you go into the Goldman or you, you get it, you go deeper and deeper and all of a sudden it started just coming to you. You know, you found the goal and I found the goal. That's nice. Now you had said last week he was telling me that come over and have food. What was that about? Oh yes, yes, please come over. I'm like, what? What was, what was all that about? Well, I thought about it. I say let's do a cookout and under the bridge, under the bridge. I always loved to cook so and I always wanted a restaurant. I always want a restaurant and I know I'm going to get it one day and by you helping me with this right here, I can others and maybe they helped me out, you know, and have an idea for me and I think it's coming together and I love it. You know, because I'm smiling more and I know you always smile when I seen, you know, was like I just have a hard time understand that you were like, Nah, Nah, not definitely always happy. Yeah. Some things, you know, some say we find ourselves we can be happy, you know, own outside, putting it inside. I mean I heard just like others, you know, I'm normal, you know, but when you start thinking about it, you start saying, well I don't want to ruin the inside because of inside than the outside going to show something that's true. More more money, waters and all that because did you dig down deep? You can stir it up more money or honor. But I found myself now I in clearwater and it's like, you know, you can see right through that war and see it your whole life is right there. Right there. Wow. Now your book, How many pages do you think you're going to have? Well actually I wanted like a hundred and 50. That's a lot of writing. I know. I know and I knew I can pull it off. You know, it's exciting. When you first do that first two, three pages, I just started in just writing, writing and I found he took it upon myself and I did it. I took initiative and I said, Hey, I'm on the road. Just like you're driving a car, you got to learn how to drive. Right? That's true. So why not, you know what I mean? Learn and learn and learn more. And he added to others at other people problems, not problems, but you know, they things that they couldn't handle they situation situation. So I just said, hey, let's do this. And now everybody left and they say, Hey, I got a book cover. Actually I did my book cover, remember? Oh yes, that's a very nice book cover. I liked the book cover. Yes. And I'm going to put it out there actually on my book, on my cd Pod, everything on my. I mean, my tee shirts. Yeah. So you're, you're really planning on going big. You're not sitting there. And God, I'm going to do a book, right? I want to do a book. Eagle, Eagle Fly Eagle, fly all over and they see things from the sky, so it was just like, you know, with science or something and then you put it together and it comes out, you know, you just started thinking like it's more to this, it's not just gamblers and all this stuff and not just raise of life, it's more of it more, there's more and more to learn and once you get it, it just started coming like a waterfall and you're flowing downstream here, your honor. You're on it. So now, now you come from a big family or a small family. Let's get a little bit of, I would say I would say medium, large because I'm the baby. So I have the baby baby and I mean I have two brothers, two sisters. I mean, and I have four brothers and they look at it. That's a pretty big family really? Yeah. And I miss them all and I'm in another state, but I miss them all, you know, and I love him. My mother just, you know, she's happy that I'm doing this and my niece is telling me as you go forward and so that's good. You ain't got no. He got family back in there and try to get, you know, in Chicago it's Chicago because you don't have any family around here. No, that's hard. It's hard, you know, but you know what, like I say, when you find yourself dig down deep and you could bring a lot of joy out for others and when they see that joy and they just say, Hey, they started listening and actually I go around talking about my book and they say, that's good, that's great. And I say, yeah, no, and I appreciate you being happy for me and I want everybody to be happy and when I do this book, I want others to come on a team if they want to help others. I showed them a way how to help others. My slice, just like a person helped me. You know, you helping me with the w with this, this, this information is vital. It's very vital, very vital. And when you had that, you don't want to lose it. So it's just like you have a gift, you want to hang onto what you, what you found. They stay like this. If you don't use something, what you usually happens, you lose it. And what happened was when I read your book, it kind of gave me that spark again. And the spark was always there with their little. Damn it. I'm gonna tell you one thing when, like I said, when I did the first two pages. Okay, this will back up a little bit. Okay. Okay. Back when I was 24, 25, my father had passed and I am, you know. But he taught me. Well, he told me where he wanted me always to do things and go out there. I wouldn't have the schooling like everybody else, my brothers, they brother's college grads and things like that. But it was for me a little bit harder, you know, my mind wandered a lot and wondering. I think it was something that was telling me you got something else if something else in you. And when I found that I used to go to myself, actually I started on the first book and it was called trials and tribulations. First book was, and I got actually up to 50 pages and you never got it published. I never got a problem. But you're not going to make that mistake now. Okay. I'll fill it. And like right now I was actually afraid to get on the mic at first. I actually do music too as well. I do hip hop, hip hop pop too. And I'm, I'm, I say I'm not going to brag, but I'm going to say I am worthy what I do and I'm worthy of what, what gift that was given to me and I'm thankful that, you know, so sometimes I do go downtown and I rapped for the college kid and sometime they might throw me money, give me money. And I do it for my fun. Actually one of my nephews there is so he said, well, you know, you can't beat yourself up because you did it for your fun anyway. And I said, you got a point. I really did. I did it for my happiness, but now I'm doing it for others and they love it. They walk around and, and remember who I was and one guy came, like, he was behind me on his skateboard. He said bless, shout. And I turned around. I recognize them and it kinda made me smile more because they remember they remember me and he loved what I was doing. And then it was two young ladies as well. I was going to town square, open townsquare actually. And I was actually coming from the movies with my friend shine and we was riding their bikes and actually we were slowing down because we look, we walked inside, he started walking because the bikes up the heels, you know what I'm hearing. So we all, we both got the bike and so basically I started walking a little bit more faster because I'm, I've just ready to get up this hill, get back on his bike. But he kinda like drifted off. He went off and roll so I don't know where he rolled. And I happened to run into two young ladies that actually hurt my hip hop rap and I was at the studio, was it studio 12 I believe, or 13? One of them. But I go down and I rap and I go to the mall. I go through there and I, I just do things and I'm actually, I had a friend named chuck and Chuck with this guy, you know, he, he's a lichen guy, but sometimes he'd get that liquor on them and he goes, hey, why you? But he always calmed down. He had this beat, what do you do for me with his chest? And he used his hands and he do his dance, rapping and dancing. And I left. I was the raffle. He had a, he had a sound, what he did like, Oh, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't. And it was, it was just like, yeah. And he just said he like in a one and a two and a three. You ready go. And I did it and I just started doing it, you know what I mean? Like it just was like creative to me, you know? And my man, I said, do it, just do it you on the spot and like you would in your book, like you say, it actually wasn't a book. It was like somebody was talking about one day, just put it on the line and put it up, put it on the live active, which can go wrong. You cannot go wrong on that. How could you go wrong? And there's something about it. Shoot something that you can't do yourself wrong, right? You already know what you want to live and know what's going to fulfill your need. Do, do what makes you happy. That's what you're doing is right. And you're doing what makes you happy. We'll also make other people have this. Uh, we'll, yes, the wheel. And actually when I hit your book out there, when I, when I just, I read it, you said, did you read the book yet? I said, well, I read a few pages but you know, I didn't. I caught one page that made me keep, keep reading. And I read and read on it and I read on. I say, I could do this, I can do this. And he told me, you know, we will not, he said, he said just go for it, you know, and then I just went for it and I'll feel more happier, more energized, and I don't get all like the book and I'm going to come out. I'm tired. I don't know what to do next. I'm right to pay, but we're not going to do. How am I get it published. But when I see what you had done, you got stuff on your back of your book, you got four other books, she got CDs and, and I'm doing stuff. You doing stuff and now you're going to be doing actually notified by jumping off the plan. You did skydiving. I guess you sent me away from a fear, right? I actually want to imagine whatever plane that I've been thinking about and I'm gonna. Put that in the book. Know that I'm going to put everything in a ball. Jump with you. I know you will talk with you again. I'm not going to let you go. We'll go. We'll go now. So you're doing your book and you're positive about your book? Yes. Very positive. And you're looking to maybe become a life coach. You know what, maybe that's right. And you're not going to stop. Now here's a question. I'm going to put you on the spot soon. Do you want your book out? Because. Because this goes around the world, I'm assuming. Are you planning on having your book out? Give me a date. I would say 10 years from now. No, no, no. I don't know if I. Beard, who knows? You're going to be here. Who knows when they're going to go? Who knows what it. So why not do it. Just go for it. So when you're going to have you book, I say inside of a month. At one month. Okay. That's feasible. Very feasible. And what I want to do actually want to break the book down and I want to go to parts of the book. What would be two parts really? Okay. So two parter. So is it gonna be like the same book or just a different life to the end? I'm confused on a two parter. Okay. What is going to be asking it be like a breakdown as the same book, but it's going to be, the first is going to be the actual, the hospitality part and I don't want to Kinda, you know, stirred people away with all the other sister couldn't come. Some kind of rough things. Any emotional. Right. So I want to put that into the second part. Okay. So people in. Yeah. You gotta walk people in. Everything's a learning curve. People got to step into something. Right. Okay. That's good. That's good. Well I read part of your books so far and I'm very impressed with it on. Thank you. Thank you for writing. That was very emotional and that's what you know, like you're not pulling any punches. No, you're coming from the heart and you're speaking your life and, and a lot of people have a hard time dealing with stuff, but you're, you're dealing with it. You're here, you don't have a hard time, you're actually a happy camper. Why not? You know, you to go for the Gusto. And when they say, well, you put it the frown on your face, it actually takes away some of your life, but you add your language with smiles. When you put a frown on your face, people sees that and they say, wait a minute, I don't know his personal rupt suicide. Very careful. You cannot let non truth that you often make you aim because everybody goes through life with everybody has somebody, but they have people they know and they go through something as well. Their life is nice sometimes, right? So it's how you handle is right. So why not be happy more than angry. That's true. It's true. It's very good old because if you be angry, you're not going to think right. Your motion's going to get haywire. Yes, you're going to be thinking is well, it was wasted. It all switched over. So I want to go straight forward. I don't want to go backwards. I don't want to go back to that life you go back to their life is to pull the stuff out to my book. Oh, okay. To take and get other people out of that light and make it more initiative initiative. I want to be hitting that star Trek. I want to be Dr. not despite want to be captain Kirk, Captain Kirk, captain in life. I am my own captain. And my mama say this, if you don't stand for nothing, you will fall for anything that's true. And she said this at a very young age when I was a young, young, young, young child. And I started thinking I'm blessed. And I started getting blessings throughout my life and I started seeing people, you know, more happier when I started smiling and my brother even told me I was cutting my hair. One day we were standing$100, 110 and play street right across the street from the post office. Everybody know is that Chicago state. So we're now, you know, go visit sometimes. But. So I was like getting my hair cut. And I was like Kinda angry about something. You know, people used to look at me a certain way. I don't know why they did, but they looked at me, you know, a certain way and I didn't understand it, you know, so I said, well, it's just something they see in me. And he knew I had an older people used to tell me like one day you might be a preacher. I don't know about that, you know, and now that I'm older I stopped feeling it. Like when my late twenties I stopped feeling it, you know, and I said, why not help people? I don't actually have to be the preacher stuff, like insurance outlet outside, you know, and, and help out with people I don't need a building. Like right now, you know, on my little bridge and not in a home that is my home, but his life, everybody goes through life different. But you don't know when it could happen to you. Everybody can like looking at people and single them out, but you don't know. You might be one paycheck from, from under the bridge, you know, you don't know what, do you know what I mean? So like curve balls and I got through song, I had good jobs back when I was young, when I got older I become jobs and I see what had happened. I'm a good person and I see other people have these good jobs and they just put people down. Think of trump, you know, oh God, that guy, oh think of trump and all the money and he just wants to screw everybody. Right? So, but when I look at it and I say, I don't want to be like that, you know, because you, you look at a person and say they happiest part when a person is going through. So you see the real person because when you, anybody could be happy with money, cars and all that and, but when you don't have money and you can just go out there and be happy and make a spark happened for people and they listened to you and I noticed they listened to me this sit down and actually set up while I'm downtown. They'll listen to me and they just started this just listening and I'm here. Like they really asked me, focus on. They enjoy what you have to offer and I'm looking like, man, you get it. You get it. Blessed shower and I am blessed child. Well that's for sure. Well Jeff, it was a pleasure and so I'm looking forward to seeing your book, Reading Your Book and Reading Your Book and I'm looking forward to helping you get it done. I appreciate it. And thanks for doing the podcast. One question fire away. How did you like the beginning of my book so far? Because I liked the way you started talking about the, the um, the family. You have people in each of the bridge but you said they're family. They're not real failing but to you their family and yeah, and they're not your family, but they are. That was, that was very emotional because these people mentor stuff, you know, what they've been through and you know, people in these two bridge I have kind of like, you know, older homeless, the, the, the, you know, they're on drugs and in this, you know, why would I give them money? They're just going to spend it on drugs and booze and stuff. I'm like, but no, I thought they were like when I was a younger person, but when I filled I say no because people actually, and I met one guy by the name of, we won't say the name because I don't want to put them off. But uh, anyway, he was, he was a nice guy, you know, but they was watching me, you know, he was, you know, under the bridge, the new bridge, no mothers. And he noticed something I was Kinda like, didn't have no money one day, but he knows always go out there and get my money. I go work, I go get cans, I picked up can I go canon, you know, and I go, you know, take them in and I have something to eat, you know, I got clean clothes and I go to the laundry mat up the street and one day he just said, let's show. He's like, yeah, I got$20 for you. And I didn't even ask her for no money, but he got other people that he knew longer than me and he wouldn't even give them money, you know? And when I get my check, the next two days, I gave his money right back, right back. He told me I could just pay him all$5 here and there. But no, I gave him his money right back. Now I'm helping them because I'm having blessings come upon me like with you. It's a blessing to have somebody want to help me. I didn't know. I don't even have my father hitting him. I miss my Daddy, you know what I mean? And when, when you came out of like, I ain't got my big brother here and I'm like, I got him, I got, I got somebody to help me. I got a person that helped me that cares and I care about you. And I'm like, I'm eating you, you, you helped me. And I know you don't want me to spend all my money and all that. But it's a reason for everybody to help one another. You never know. Like I say, people you never know when you're gonna need to help them. Somebody that somebody so they accept the help. Right? So you know, don't be afraid to ask people anything you need some help. Ask people you don't know, that person might've sent you before doing some good and you ran across that very person and that didn't even know that you know that you were being watched and now they're on your side. Very good. You could become the greatest friends. Okay, so that was very good podcast, Jeff and pleasure doing it to your book. And this is Clinton's Kunkel, Aka professor and bless child was. The title of your book is called memories under the bridge. All right, have a good one.